Friday, December 19, 2008

the Asian society

i just attended an insightful debate on the issue of 'is the world caring too little about some nations' on BBC World, and it really provoked a few humble thoughts of mine.

halfway through the discussion, it became evident that the question became 'is it America (and the West)'s job to intervene only?'.

though nobody calling into the discussion raised this (i had wanted to call up but the session was almost closing when i got the phone), i realized that it would be, if the alternative was to depend on Asians to rise up the the same call.

yes the legitimate argument labeling it the West's job is that they have the most resources to contribute charitably. but allow me to remind ourselves (including me) that with the rise of many 'dragons' and what have we, resources, financially or otherwise, are increasingly being owned by Asian masters of today too. so, why are we then preferring to call it other peoples' job and refusing to partake in its ownership in this due season?

i had wanted to say that Asians are, sadly, a less caring population. (if you think im trying to throw bad eggs at a foreign camp, im reminding you im doing it to myself too.)

this has to do with our deep-running tradition of being a modest people. unlike the western counterparts, we are less likely to consider the affairs of other individuals as ours. a Chinese proverb correctly puts it - to sweep off snow at one's own door front.

dont mistake this as an interpretation of an immoral Asia. we are just amoral, and the relevant difference lies therein. i heard someone said before that Asians are takers, but less givers. i reserve my comments on the first, but i render full agreement to the latter.

another point i wished i could have pointed out is that Asians gravitate to identifying with ethnic similarities more than our liberalized Western counterparts, who embrace the human race as a whole more readily. so, even if charitable givings by Asians are not to be overseen in our discussion here, i believe a closer look would provide some clue to show that we had been more comfortable lending help among ourselves.

if this humble post gets onto a known platform to create any waves, i know to expect backlash from nobody but Asians first, who care about pride (my third point) more than anybody. but then again, melvinstory's little known. :)

i used to have naively not being able to comprehend why the world's Big Brother, America, had its nose poked in so many of the domestic affairs of other nations. but i realize that it is because of their understanding of a global village and their moral stake in it which i lack that motivates them to get their hands on a dirty job. but the least i could do to start learning from them was to open up my heart and recognizing my areas of inadequacy, and to deal with them. i believe radical change is slowly but surely on its way, when the Asian society made up of you and me starts to change.

Monday, December 15, 2008

命中注定 cheena pok.

i realized something while sleeping trying to sleep yesterday,
(cos i talk myself to sleep sometimes)
i seriously need some language re-training.

you see, i am a cheena-pok person. seriously.
and i default to using Chinese always, or at least most of the time.

this holiday has been horrible.
having just finished another GREAT show, 《命中注定我愛你》, and rehearsing through the lead role with myself many times, im getting comfortable being this cheena-pok melvin again.

oh talking about the show.
it got me crying and sneezing through many nights. man!

oh heck. who says i cant be effectively bilingual?
auntie tang said i am.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


how careless can i get.

that day, i promised prof i would be at his office at noon to submit my details to be his TA.
and then, i got it all messed up, and was about half an hour late.

no excuses. i should have regarded the opportunity with more respect.

and prof was really good.
when i emailed him to apologize later,
he drew a parallel of this experience to preparing myself for an interview for a 'potentially good job offer'.

i must learn my lesson this time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

thank You.

i must say i have been really really blessed.

God has been good.

i just received all my results for the term, with FA coming in only today and i jumped at that A+. haha.
and for the As i received for the other modules, even the B for AS, i am thankful.

this is grace. when you deserve nothing, He gives everything.
i know He heard me every time i cried out in desperateness when i was stretched.
i know He helped me every time i said i was scared.
And, more than that.

it had been a great term. 3.8375.

my motto remains, that i'll just have to do my best, and i know God does the rest.

will work even harder this coming term. up another level.
valedictorian, remember? haha.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

yet another good story.

oh my, i've had one of the most fruitful 12 plus hours marathon of my life.

it's amazing. this japanese serial water boys 2.

and i cried at the last episode. like, cried-like-nobody's-business.
ok, not that bad. haha. cried a little.

but i've learnt something precious from the story of these youths.
it's life's simplest desires, pleasures, that matter and are worth fighting for sometimes.
and the same spirit will hold people together, and band them together to accomplish some of the wildest dreams ever heard.

and the presence of unity and loyalty really overflowed from the set and touched me.

thank you, i've learnt something. really.

and boy, where did my youth go?
let me go to bed, it's 2am. i shall try to dream of an answer.