Friday, June 26, 2009

count thy blessings

was listening to the radio today, and the dj reminded us of how time has gone by us.
boy, again we're at the point where it's probably too late to capture time lost through 2009!

i remember, always around this point of the year i would write something on melvinstory.
i would say that i want a better half of the year.

i think it presents a good time to count thy blessings too.
there's something about counting the number of times i have been used to be a blessing that has been occupying my mind lately.

i might not have been such a great one, but at least i know i did last week when i returned from malaysia and gave my leftover currencies to my sis.
indeed as i stood at the table where she was i just felt God whispering for me to do it.
and i didnt know she was waiting for the blessing God had caused her to anticipate for (i peeped at her blog).
little gestures, might not amount to much, but God, that's what i want to count more often.

i dont have much,
still God,
i would love to try again, being Your blessing.

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