Friday, July 17, 2009


the summer has almost finished its run in 2009.
it is about time.

i am hating myself for probably not fulfilling what i had wanted this summer to do for me.
this summer, i laid ambitions. some new. some big. some sound good.
i made plans.

but i have not made peace. with myself.

sometimes, when God gives more, there comes a period of knowing how to deal with the increase.
we want to hold on tightly to all that we have gained, and guard securely all the enlarged boundaries conquered.
and i am not prepared, defending the enlarged tent He has given me.

the feeling of insecurity, of fear of losing, takes over.

but i know my God.
"oh, You actually heard me", again and again to Him i have said.

so, if i know He cares to hear the significant and insignificant cries of my heart, every time,
then i know He probably will be there to see me through another good year.

this must be one of the greatest things i have done this summer, what i have done this moment.
just letting it flow through this piece,
i felt,
some form of peace,

你的愛將與我同在 :)

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