Sunday, August 2, 2009

community service project

busy busy busy.

community service project. sometimes we have to say it out in full to remember it is the service to community.

i was working on the video at BATES141's office the other day, when the guy opposite started a conversation like this (not exact words though, i have poor memory).

"hey, you're doing this for, your final year project?"
"erm, no. this is our community service project. it is a students' initiative."

"oh, so, you're doing it for your portfolio then?"
(i gave a quizzical look) "?"

(i think he was trying to reverse damage now) "i mean, yea, besides wanting to serve the cause, you can include it in the portfolio?"
"oh, yea, i guess we can write this in."

-End of conversation-

yesterday, daryl asked on the car while on the way to pick up vouchers, "why did you join this csp?"
"i dont know. i think i am the odd one amongst you. i dont really have a story to tell about problem gambling. i have to admit that when i first applied for the position, it came out of an obligation to serve the club. i am not good at mahjong, poker, or any of the games played. so i guessed i had to contribute somewhere, and csp seemed appropriate."

-End of important part of conversation-

community service project. what do i have to offer, what can i serve in?

"serve from the heart," said Emily Hogan of the office of career services.

but at least i know, the day of teaching and sharing during the training workshop last week added meaning to my experience. it felt good, though i cant actually describe why.

and there were more valued things about this community service project, and there will be more. i am sure.

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