Sunday, August 9, 2009

to grandpa

i said goodbye to grandpa on 4th August, 2009.

for a man who taught and brought me up through the early years of my life, i am grateful.

i shared during one of the wake nights with relatives, that one lesson his generation has taught us is that of faith.

they did not know much, only heard of this faraway place called singapore, and by faith they went on a two month's boat journey away from home.
not a penny more to spare, without wind of how life would be for them.
yet, they stepped out, in faith.

leaving behind all that they had,
because they were driven, by faith.

the experience is unimaginable, for people like us who have never lived through it.
and the lesson is precious, a generation after us would probably not have the chance to hear of their personal testimonies, of faith.

i am grateful.

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