Friday, October 10, 2008

Hits and Misses

it feels like i drifted for one recess week.

i dont know, this recess week feels a little odd as it comes to a close. probably too many things unfolded in a short short while, am a little overwhelmed.

had been looking forward to being at the apex challenge (which qualifying takes place today). so cool la, the groups are now being 'locked up' in GSRs to work on their presentations for 24hours, and then present tomorrow morning. it would have been such an experience! and of course, i was vying that chance to be in toronto, to have my newspaper debut, and all that..

but then, evidence that i am now blogging shows my team didnt qualify. haix.

think it was cause we were all a little himbo in the preliminaries. haha!

but then, heh, ronald roped me into yet another competition event before i could cry over the spilt milk. tata (something something) competition! haha. the only lucrative thing (i think) is the 10k prize money, but then, given that yours truly is a self-confessed himbo..... just pray for the best okay? haha!

and there's another excitement in the air. cause i am really looking forward to fulfilling my duty in the RGC-CSP exco (!) as the Event Manager! yes, i got through the (crazy) interview on tuesday and got my ass in! haha.

it's fun, and the scale of the project is expected to be so big, that we're ready to be busy from this moment on till almost one year later. good news i guess. it's been long since i did something like that, instead of being a sponging member of organisations. haha.

but one problem, i realised, since i started school, i seem to be working with more girls than guys. the exco members who were interviewed in were girls except me. i no longer at horrified knowing my 'luck' when working teams are chosen for me this way.

hmmm, chalet, supposedly. i realised one problem. availability of the chalets, and (maybe not so this time) the participants. urgh, lets procrastinate further, and hope things happen. haha!

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